Introductory offer:
£10 off first treatment and either a personalised essential oil blend or an energy cleanse meditation.

Susie Rose
Energy Healer, Intuitive & Soul Coach

Certified Master Teacher  - Usui method of Reiki Healing - EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Master Practitioner - Modern Stress Management Professional - Guild of Energists - ThetaHealing Advanced DNA Practitioner - Past Life Regression Therapy - Aromatouch Aromatherapy Massage - Symphony of the Cells Massage Technique - Access Consciousness Practitioner - Meditation Diploma - CPCAB Counselling & Psychotherapy level 2 - Modern Applied Psychology (Hypnotherapy, NLP, timeline therapy) - Tarot Practitioners Diploma

Currently Studying
Three Principles Coaching, Re-birthing Breathwork Diploma, Advanced Aromatherapy Diploma, Naturopath Diploma.

07980 934352

Free initial phone consultation – 15 minutes
Payment prior to treatment via cash, card or bank transfer.
Discounts offered on block bookings.

My passion is to help women find inner-peace, healing, wellbeing and connection back to their inner self and spiritual essence or life in general, so that they can live a more empowered life full of happiness and vitality.

I work intuitively and empathically creating a safe space to support and guide you, tailoring each session to your own needs. I can draw from a range of energy healing, modern psychology, meditation and Intuitive coaching to release unhelpful emotions and transform your sense of emotional and physical wellbeing, bringing you into alignment with your desires.

My approach to energy healing and wellness originates from my own personal journey of healing and transformation, together with over 10 years of experience working with clients using a range of mind, body, soul tools to provide deep and lasting change.

I work with all ages, specialising in mid-life women

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